

Name Type Description Notes
term str The term to search.
root_term str The root term corresponding to the term. Terms can be synonyms of root term, whereas the root term is what is annotated the records being searched. [optional]
facet str The facet or domain the term belongs to. provide PHRASE if unknown.
filter_type str Inclusion or exclusion search. [optional] [default to 'include']
distance_uom str Used by DISTANCE filters only. Specify distance in kilometers or miles. [optional]
postal_code str Used by DISTANCE filters only. Specify postal code to center distance search from. [optional]
country_code str Used by DISTANCE filters only. Specify a 2 digit ISO-3166 country code to center distance search from. [optional]
gene_expand bool Used by MUTATION filters only. If true, expand the search to include results maching the mutation gene. [optional]
exclude_filter_only bool To create a soft include filter, add excludeFilterOnly=true (and specify filterType of include. [optional]
error str [optional]
ambiguous Filter [optional]