

Name Type Description Notes
score float indicator of the quality of the match. [optional]
mboost float intrinsic boost to the record. [optional]
id str unique identifier. [optional]
pmid str PubMed ID. [optional]
doi str Digital Object Identifier (permanent link at[doi]). [optional]
source str data source of this record [optional]
journal_name str Journal name. [optional]
journal_iso_abbreviation str [optional]
title str Official title for the publication. [optional]
purpose str Abstract's purpose section. [optional]
background str Abstract's background section. [optional]
methods str Abstract's methods section. [optional]
results str Abstract's results section. [optional]
conclusion str Abstract's conclusion section. [optional]
conflicts str Author's conflicts of interest section. [optional]
citation str MLA formatted citation. [optional]
citation_date datetime Article date used for citation [optional]
link str Link to original source. [optional]
chemicals list[str] Chemicals or drugs referenced in this publication. [optional]
keywords list[str] [optional]
extended_keywords list[str] [optional]
publication_type list[str] Publication types infered by MM. [optional]
authors list[PublicationAuthors] [optional]
tags list[Tag] Concept associations established for this publication. [optional]
molecular_alterations list[ConceptAssociation] Molecular concept associations established for this publication. [optional]