

Name Type Description Notes
_score Float indicator of the quality of the match. [optional]
id String [optional]
externalId java.util.List<String> Optional institution specific identifier. [optional]
uniqueKey String Unique identifer inclusive of version. [optional]
hashKey String Static identifier agnostic of version. [optional]
description String Detailed description of the assertion. [optional]
narrative String A human readeable narrative describing the assertion. [optional]
regulatoryBody RegulatoryBodyEnum The regulatory body that has governance over this assertion.
customer String The customer identifier that has governance over this assertion.
version Integer The assertion set version number.
regulatoryBodyApproved Boolean If true, this assertion's therapuetic context has regulatory approval. [optional]
regulatoryBodyApprovedBy String Governing body granting approval. [optional]
direction DirectionEnum Indicates whether assertion supports or does not support the therapy. [optional]
guidelineBody GuidelineBodyEnum A professional committee recommendation. [optional]
guidelineVersion String Release version of professional committee recommendation. [optional]
clinicalSignificance ClinicalSignificanceEnum Utility of biomarker in clinical setting. [optional]
biomarkerClass BiomarkerClassEnum Indicator of response to therapy [optional]
expression String mathematical expression characterizing the clinical scope of the assertion. [optional]
sources java.util.List<AssertionSources> The supporting evidence for this assertion. [optional]
noTherapyAvailable Boolean If true, there is no therapy related to this assertion. [optional]
therapeuticContext java.util.List<AssertionTherapeuticContext> The therapies associated with this assertion. [optional]
tier String The tiering template specific tier associated with the therapy. [optional]
tierExplanation java.util.List<TierExplanation> The explanation of how the tier was calculated. [optional]
criteriaUnmet java.util.List<ConceptAssociation> [optional]
criteriaMet java.util.List<ConceptAssociation> [optional]
classifications java.util.List<AssertionClassifications> [optional]
prevalence java.util.List<AssertionPrevalence> [optional]
variantInfo java.util.List<VariantInfo> Genomic information pertaining to variant. [optional]

Enum: RegulatoryBodyEnum

Name Value

Enum: DirectionEnum

Name Value
SUPPORTS "supports"
DOES_NOT_SUPPORT "does_not_support"

Enum: GuidelineBodyEnum

Name Value

Enum: ClinicalSignificanceEnum

Name Value
NO_RESPONSE "no_response"
SENSITIVE "sensitive"
FAVORABLE "favorable"
UNFAVORABLE "unfavorable"
UNKNOWN "unknown"
RESISTANT "resistant"
INTERMEDIATE "intermediate"
ADVERSE_RESPONSE "adverse_response"
PATHOGENIC "pathogenic"
NOT_IMPLICATED "not_implicated"
GAIN_OF_FUNCTION "gain_of_function"
LOSS_OF_FUNCTION "loss_of_function"

Enum: BiomarkerClassEnum

Name Value
PREDICTIVE "predictive"
DIAGNOSTIC "diagnostic"
PROGNOSTIC "prognostic"
UNKNOWN "unknown"
PREDISPOSING "predisposing"
FUNCTIONAL "functional"