

Name Type Description Notes
gender GenderEnum Indicates male, female or no limit on eligibility based on the sex of participants. [optional]
genderBased String Indicates whether participant eligibility is based on gender. [optional]
genderDescription String Descriptive information about Gender criteria. [optional]
minimumAge String The numerical value, if any, for the minimum age a potential participant must meet to be eligible for the clinical study. [optional]
maximumAge String The numerical value, if any, for the maximum age a potential participant can be to be eligible for the clinical study. [optional]
healthyVolunteers String Indication that participants who do not have a disease or condition, or related conditions or symptoms, under study in the clinical study are permitted to participate in the clinical study. [optional]
criteria String A limited list of criteria for selection of participants in the clinical study, provided in terms of inclusion and exclusion criteria and suitable for assisting potential participants in identifying clinical studies of interest. [optional]
studyPop String A description of the population from which the groups or cohorts will be selected (for example, primary care clinic, community sample, residents of a certain town). [optional]

Enum: GenderEnum

Name Value
FEMALE "Female"
MALE "Male"
ALL "All"
BOTH "Both"