

Name Type Description Notes
term String The term to search.
rootTerm String The root term corresponding to the term. Terms can be synonyms of root term, whereas the root term is what is annotated the records being searched. [optional]
facet String The facet or domain the term belongs to. provide PHRASE if unknown.
filterType FilterTypeEnum Inclusion or exclusion search. [optional]
distanceUOM DistanceUOMEnum Used by DISTANCE filters only. Specify distance in kilometers or miles. [optional]
postalCode String Used by DISTANCE filters only. Specify postal code to center distance search from. [optional]
countryCode String Used by DISTANCE filters only. Specify a 2 digit ISO-3166 country code to center distance search from. [optional]
geneExpand Boolean Used by MUTATION filters only. If true, expand the search to include results maching the mutation gene. [optional]
excludeFilterOnly Boolean To create a soft include filter, add excludeFilterOnly=true (and specify filterType of include. [optional]
error String [optional]
ambiguous Filter [optional]

Enum: FilterTypeEnum

Name Value
INCLUDE "include"
EXCLUDE "exclude"

Enum: DistanceUOMEnum

Name Value
MI "mi"
KM "km"