

Name Type Description Notes
site Site [optional]
status StatusEnum Trial site recruiting status.
contact Contact [optional]
contactBackup Contact [optional]
investigator java.util.List<Investigator> Person(s) responsible for the overall scientific leadership of the protocol, including study principal investigator. [optional]

Enum: StatusEnum

Name Value
ACTIVE_NOT_RECRUITING "Active, not recruiting"
APPROVED_FOR_MARKETING "Approved for marketing"
AVAILABLE "Available"
COMPLETED "Completed"
ENROLLING_BY_INVITATION "Enrolling by invitation"
NO_LONGER_AVAILABLE "No longer available"
NOT_YET_RECRUITING "Not yet recruiting"
RECRUITING "Recruiting"
SUSPENDED "Suspended"
TEMPORARILY_NOT_AVAILABLE "Temporarily not available"
TERMINATED "Terminated"
WITHDRAWN "Withdrawn"
WITHHELD "Withheld"
UNKNOWN_STATUS "Unknown status"